Biography: Nwoha Rosemary I O
Dairy products are products derived from milk for various purposes. Dairy products ranges from edibles such as creams, milk powders, alcohol, skimmed milk, casein, whey, butter, cheese, lactose, chocolate milk, milk drinks and various traditionally produced dairy products. Non edible derivative include fabrics and plastic products. Several newer dairy products are yet to be harnessed from milk. This would create frontier for production of newer dairy products. Livestock keeping for dairy and other purposes has been since ancient times. The pastoral livestock keeping for multipurpose reasons including milk production was solely for domestic use. This period was marked with production of mostly organic dairy products with great health benefits but with extremely low shelf life. The emergence of civilization and development brought organized dairy keeping with specialized dairy breeds solely for milk production. This ushered in commercial dairy production which enhanced income generation of farmers and contributes to growth of economy of most countries. Most commercial dairy products are bedeviled with harmful substances as preservatives. The use of preservatives such as sodium tripolyphosphate in dairy products although are safe for consumption poses long time harmful effects to humans. Dairy industry should as a matter of necessity abolish the use of such substances and source for safer methods of extending the shelf life of dairy products. Future prospects in the industry would include provision of Government regulations to oversea the activities of dairy industries and dairy products available in the market.